Stop Shoulder & Wither Rubs on your Horse & Pony

Stop Shoulder & Wither Rubs on your Horse & Pony

It is essential to ensure that your horse is as well protected as possible during these cold months. We all know how much our horses love their horse rugs during winter but the irritation caused by rug rub can be a real problem. Shoulder rub can cause your horse unnecessary discomfort. It can be easily prevented by using a well fitting shoulder guard. This will help to prevent any rugs rubbing on the point of shoulder and withers.  It is essential that the shoulder guard you select is a good fit and quality material, when looking for a shoulder guard you want one that’s easy to put on and stays in place. Finally, your shoulder guard is likely to pick up some grease and dirt, so something that’s easy to wash might not be your first thought but is certainly an important factor.
If rugs rubbing on the point of shoulders and the withers is an issue with your horse or pony then the Snuggy Hoods Shoulder Guard would be a super investment.  This shoulder guard is made from a lightweight non-stretch fabric which will glide over the horses coat without causing friction.  The shoulder guard is thin, cool and silky and will not provide additional warmth in this area and therefore suitable for use all year round if required.  Easily washed and the ideal product for any sensitive horse!
This shoulder guard has been successfully sold for over 20 years with many customers who could not live without them.  Rated & APPROVED by Horse & Hound in the Tried & Tested products.
horse shoulder guard
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