Keeping Up with the King's

I did quite a bit of teaching in January..2 days at Rectory Farm in Glos, 2 days in Aberdeen and Angus in Scotland, and a single day at Duchy College in Cornwall. Hard work, but the pay is good and I taught some lovely friendly keen riders.
Having returned from a fabulous weeks skiing in Les Houches with a bunch of friends (Freddie my son is working there for the season), it was then time to begin the horses canter work. We canter every 3rd or 4th day and are lucky to be able to use a friendly farmers long sloping grass field. Through Feb we start to go to jumping shows, and have booked in for some dressage lessons with Ferdi Eilberg, who has been my trainer for many years. Lecture/demos, 2 River Cottage evenings, yard visits and evening talks are filling up our Feb diary.
Here is our provisional spring event programme...not long now before the start, WHOOPEE! :)
3rd Moreton
8th/9th Tweseldown
16th-18th Aldon
29th-31st Burnham Market
4th Portman
13th-15th Belton
20th-22nd Bicton
28th-29th Withington
10th Aston Le Walls
12th-13th Chatsworth
23rd-27th HOUGHTON CCI