Well Done Rhys Williams!
Snuggy Hoods certainly have some seriously talented sponsors, we would like to take this moment to congratulate Rhys Williams on qualifying for the Royal International Dublin Horse Show in his first outing with Little Ceaser. The pair came 2nd out of a very strong 84 starters, a fantastic achievement.
This is Rhys's last year on 128cm's and he is keen to move up on a bang! He is keen to qualify a second pony very soon so we shall keep you updated with his progress.Rhys's younger brother Coen Williams is also keen to qualify a pony for the spectacular RDS which would be his first year riding at the show. (Rhys & Coen pictured remaining calm before their class in the warm up).
Pictured to below is Rhys Williams on Park Lolita at the RDS 2015 warming up with team Ireland's Greg Broderick.
We are rooting for you both boys, wishing you the best of luck from team #SnuggyHoods.