Para-Dressage Training for Natalie Povey & Tidy
All is going really well for Natalie and Tidy as they turn up the volume with their training for the Para Winter Championships.
This month preparation is well under way for the Para Winter Championships next month. We have been busy working on the relaxation in Tidy’s way of going and we seem to have made a huge break through. She is so relaxed and supple into the contact and happy to be working. Everything seems to be slotting into place and a winter of training is paying off. She is such a sweet little mare and always tries her hardest.We have been working on the consistence of her work and each of the individual test movements making sure we are as accurate as possible, as well as me keeping a consistent even contact at all times. I have also changed Tidy’s bit to a soft mullen mouth bit which Tidy seems to love.
We have also been to a pole work clinic at a local equestrian centre which was a great opportunity to take Tidy away from home and work her in a different environment. We arrived in plenty of time so we walked around for a while before our session was due to start. Once in the session Tidy worked amazingly doing the various exercises. I think it does her good to have a break and do something a little bit different. She very much enjoyed herself and much more relaxed away from home, she takes everything in her stride. It was lovely to have feedback from a previous session with the difference seen in us as a partnership.
Tidy also had he routine dental check this month. Find out why it is so important for your horse to have regular dental check ups - Click Here